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Amazon Geography

The amazon rainforest aka amazonia is a tropical area in South America near Brazil.

There are over 30 million people living there.

The geographic location is in these countries:

  • Brazil
  • Peru
  • Bolivia
  • Columbia
  • Venezuela
  • Guyana
  • Suriname
  • French Giana
  • Ecuador

Here are some photos:

It formed over 50 million years ago. There is evidence of humans there 11k years ago.

Here is a good map:


  1. Harpy eagle – A large, powerful bird of prey with a distinctive crest of feathers on its head.
  2. Poison dart frog – A brightly-colored amphibian with toxic skin secretions used to deter predators.
  3. Capybara – The largest rodent in the world, with brown fur and a distinctive snout.
  4. Jaguar – A large, powerful cat with a yellowish-brown coat and black spots.
  5. Anaconda – A large, non-venomous snake that can grow up to 30 feet in length.
  6. Sloth – A slow-moving, tree-dwelling mammal with long, shaggy fur.
  7. Toucan – A colorful bird with a large, curved beak and brightly-colored feathers.
  8. Howler monkey – A large, vocal primate with shaggy brown fur and a distinctive howling call.
  9. Pink river dolphin – A freshwater dolphin with pinkish-colored skin and a distinctive long snout.
  10. Electric eel – A type of fish that can generate an electric shock strong enough to stun prey and deter predators.


I recently had the opportunity to watch a TV program about the Amazon rainforest, and I was blown away by the incredible diversity of life that exists within this vast ecosystem. As the largest rainforest in the world, the Amazon is home to an estimated 10% of all known species on Earth, including countless plants, animals, and insects that are found nowhere else on the planet.

During the program, I learned about the many threats facing the Amazon rainforest, including deforestation, climate change, and illegal mining and logging operations. These activities not only destroy vital habitats for countless species, but also release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming and climate change. Despite these challenges, there are many individuals and organizations working tirelessly to protect the Amazon and its inhabitants, and I was inspired by their dedication and passion for this incredible ecosystem.





The area is rich with trees and water:


As someone who deeply cares about the environment, I have always been fascinated by this incredible ecosystem. The Amazon Rainforest is home to an incredible array of plants and animals, many of which cannot be found anywhere else on the planet.

Despite its importance, the Amazon Rainforest is under threat from a variety of factors. Deforestation, climate change, and illegal logging are all contributing to the destruction of this vital ecosystem. As someone who cares deeply about the environment, I feel a great sense of sadness and frustration when I think about what is happening to the Amazon Rainforest. It is crucial that we take action to protect this incredible ecosystem before it is too late.


As I grew older, my interest in the Amazon Rainforest deepened. I learned about the indigenous communities that have lived in the region for centuries, and the challenges they face in protecting their land and way of life. I also became aware of the environmental threats facing the rainforest, from deforestation to climate change.

Despite the distance between my home and the Amazon Rainforest, I feel a personal connection to this region. I believe that protecting the rainforest is not only important for the indigenous communities and wildlife that call it home, but also for the health of our planet as a whole.





There is 9 feet of rain per year.


The amount of rainfall in the Amazon rainforest varies depending on the location, time of year, and climate factors.

On average, the Amazon rainforest receives about 2,100 millimeters (83 inches) of rain annually, with some areas getting as much as 3,000 millimeters (118 inches) or more. The rainforest experiences a rainy season, typically from November to May, when the majority of rainfall occurs, and a drier season from June to October. Rainfall distribution is not uniform across the region, as the eastern and southern edges tend to receive less rainfall compared to the central and western parts.

To put this in perspective, the global average annual rainfall is around 990 millimeters (39 inches), which means the Amazon rainforest receives more than double the global average. This abundant rainfall is essential for maintaining the unique and diverse ecosystems found.




The geography and biology are diverse.

1. What exactly is the Amazon rainforest? Is it a mystical land where monkeys wear tuxedos and trees whisper secrets?

The Amazon rainforest is like Mother Nature’s VIP club, spanning across several countries in South America. It’s a mind-boggling expanse of lush greenery, vibrant wildlife, and more shades of green than an indecisive chameleon’s wardrobe. While monkeys don’t typically sport tuxedos (though we wish they did), they do swing through the trees with a certain elegance that would make James Bond envious.

2. How big is the Amazon rainforest? Can I get lost in its leafy labyrinth forever?

The Amazon rainforest is so massive that it could host its own game of hide-and-seek for eternity. It covers an area larger than your grandma’s collection of antique doilies—approximately 5.5 million square kilometers. So, yes, you could potentially get lost among the towering trees and winding rivers, but don’t worry, the locals will probably be more than happy to help you find your way back to civilization.

3. Is it true that the Amazon rainforest is home to more species than a zoo on steroids? Can I have a pet jaguar?

Absolutely! The Amazon rainforest is a bustling metropolis of biodiversity, home to more species than you can count on all of your fingers and toes (unless you have an unusually high number of those). However, while having a pet jaguar might sound like the ultimate power move, it’s generally not recommended. Those majestic creatures are better left to roam freely in their natural habitat, where they can practice their stealthy hunting skills without turning your living room into a disaster zone.

4. Can I explore the Amazon rainforest? Will I need a machete and a sense of adventure?

Exploring the Amazon rainforest is like embarking on a real-life Indiana Jones adventure (minus the fedora and the whip). While you might not need a machete to hack through the dense foliage (unless you’re planning to star in your own jungle survival show), a sense of adventure and a love for all things wild and untamed are essential. Just be prepared for the occasional run-in with mischievous monkeys who might steal your snacks—consider it their way of testing your survival skills.

5. Is it true that the Amazon rainforest produces 20% of the world’s oxygen? Does that mean I can bottle the air and become an oxygen tycoon?

Yes, it’s true! The Amazon rainforest is like the lungs of the Earth, producing a staggering 20% of the world’s oxygen. However, before you start designing your fancy oxygen bottling factory, it’s important to remember that the forest itself does a much better job of regulating oxygen levels than any entrepreneurial aspirations you might have. Instead, let’s all appreciate the Amazon’s oxygen-generating abilities and do our part to protect this natural wonder.

6. Can I spot exotic wildlife in the Amazon rainforest? Will I have a staring contest with a sloth?

Spotting exotic wildlife in the Amazon rainforest is like playing a game of hide-and-seek with nature’s most skilled camoufleurs. From colorful macaws and cheeky capuchin monkeys to elusive jaguars and the slow-motion masters, sloths, you’ll be in for a treat. However, staring contests with sloths might not be the most thrilling activity—they have an uncanny ability to outlast even the most patient humans. But hey, at least you can marvel at their leisurely lifestyle and perhaps pick up some tips for your own relaxation game.

7. Can I experience the Amazon rainforest without leaving my cozy armchair? Can I Netflix and chill with the rainforest?

While Netflix has an impressive collection, the Amazon rainforest is like the ultimate nature documentary that even Sir David Attenborough can’t resist. Dive into the world of streaming and embark on virtual tours and breathtaking footage that will transport you deep into the heart of the rainforest. Just make sure to have a bucket of popcorn nearby to complete the “Netflix and Nature” experience. And who knows, maybe one day there will be a rainforest-scented candle to add an extra touch of authenticity to your cozy armchair adventures.

8. Is it important to protect the Amazon rainforest? Can I become an honorary rainforest guardian?

Protecting the Amazon rainforest is not just important; it’s crucial for the health of our planet. It’s like wearing a superhero cape and becoming an honorary rainforest guardian. Supporting organizations dedicated to conservation efforts, spreading awareness, and making sustainable choices can all make a difference. So, channel your inner environmental warrior and stand up for the majestic beauty and ecological significance of the Amazon rainforest. No spandex required!

9. Can I channel my inner Tarzan or Jane and swing through the trees like a jungle pro? Will I need a sturdy vine and a catchy theme song?

Channeling your inner Tarzan or Jane is a tempting idea, but swinging through the trees like a jungle pro requires more than just a sturdy vine and a catchy theme song. It takes years of practice, coordination, and a deep understanding of the forest’s nuances. However, feel free to hum your favorite jungle-inspired tune as you navigate the rainforest trails—it might just give you that extra burst of adventure and make the monkeys look at you with envy.

10. Can I bring my pet parrot or tree frog to the Amazon rainforest? Will they make friends with the locals?

As much as we’d love to see your pet parrot or tree frog mingling with the locals in the Amazon rainforest, it’s best to leave them in the comfort of their own habitats. The rainforest is already a bustling ecosystem with its own cast of characters, and introducing non-native species could disrupt the delicate balance. Let your pets enjoy their own cozy homes while you immerse yourself in the wonders of the Amazon alongside its incredible wildlife.

11. Can I find the fabled city of El Dorado hidden within the depths of the Amazon rainforest? Will I stumble upon golden treasures and become an overnight millionaire?

Ah, the legendary city of El Dorado, the stuff of dreams and treasure-hunting fantasies. While the Amazon rainforest holds its fair share of mysteries, stumbling upon the fabled city might be as elusive as finding a unicorn. But fear not! The true treasure lies in the breathtaking beauty of the rainforest itself, with its shimmering rivers, majestic waterfalls, and an abundance of wildlife that will make you feel like the richest adventurer in the world.

12. Can I learn ancient survival skills from indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest? Will they teach me how to build a shelter from banana leaves and communicate with the animals?

Indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest have deep-rooted knowledge and survival skills passed down through generations. While they may not teach you to converse with animals or build a shelter from banana leaves, they can provide invaluable insights into their traditional way of life, their profound connection with nature, and their wisdom in navigating the rainforest’s wonders. So, immerse yourself in their rich culture and learn from their ancient teachings—you might discover a newfound respect for the harmonious coexistence between humans and the environment.

13. Can I embark on a river cruise through the Amazon rainforest and channel my inner Captain Jack Sparrow? Will I encounter pirate parrots and hidden treasures along the way?

A river cruise through the Amazon rainforest is like stepping onto your own personal pirate ship, minus the skull-and-crossbones flag. While pirate parrots and hidden treasures might be a stretch, you’ll be captivated by the breathtaking scenery and the symphony of sounds that surround you. As you navigate the winding rivers, keep an eye out for playful dolphins and vibrant birdlife. And who knows, you might uncover hidden gems of knowledge and appreciation for the natural wonders that lie within this extraordinary ecosystem.

14. Can I take a dip in the Amazon River? Will I encounter friendly pink dolphins that will give me a ride through the water?

Taking a dip in the Amazon River is like entering an aquatic wonderland, but it’s essential to approach with caution. While friendly pink dolphins are known to inhabit the river, they might not be offering joyrides to passing swimmers. Instead, enjoy the refreshing water while keeping an eye out for the diverse array of fish species that call the river home. Just remember to pack your swim trunks and a sturdy sense of adventure—swimming with the river’s inhabitants is an experience like no other.

15. Can I bring my own bug spray to keep the Amazon rainforest’s mosquito population at bay? Will they still see me as an all-you-can-eat buffet?

Ah, the mighty mosquitoes of the Amazon rainforest, the uninvited guests that even the best bug spray struggles to repel. While bringing your own bug spray is a wise move, be prepared for the resilient mosquitoes to see it as a condiment rather than a deterrent. Embrace your role as their all-you-can-eat buffet, wear long sleeves and pants, and remember that you’re providing them with a memorable meal. Just think of it as your humble contribution to the circle of life.